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Denise Ward

Adventures Blog Travels

Rain, Rain and More Rain

  There seems to be a bit of rain in the air. Should I say a bunch of rain! We ended up at the KOA in Sallisaw Oklahoma. The plan was for one night, but when we awoke it was raining and we decided…

October 21, 2018
Adventures Blog

Back in the Saddle or Should I say RV

We just finished up a two-week vacay, leaving Betsy in storage and hitting the road. Wow two weeks fly by when your having fun, but I must admit I have missed my mini home. As I type this, I sit in our last hotel…

October 15, 2018
Adventures Blog Travels

Road to Colorado Part 4

Whew we finally made it into Colorado! We had two very long drive days to accomplish this, but now we are taking a few days to acclimate to the elevation and to recover from the drive. Tomorrow we head to our summer gig at…

July 5, 2018
Adventures Blog

On the Road to Colorado 3

It sure has been a long few days. We had a few firsts today, one: I drove the truck with the trailer on it, YEAH! Richard finally felt comfortable enough to allow me to get behind the steering wheel. He was able to let…

July 3, 2018
Adventures Blog Travels

The Road to Colorado Part 2

Right now, we are sitting in a hotel in Evansville, Indiana, tired and road weary, but also getting more excited about our destination. We started out this morning in Charleston, West Virginia, meandered through Kentucky and going across most of Indiana. We met some…

July 2, 2018
Adventures Blog Travels

The Road to Colorado Part 1

A week is not a long time, at least this past week seemed to fly past before we knew it. We had time to help our youngest children pack up and hit the road to Boston, see our oldest for a few at his…

June 30, 2018
Adventures Blog New Beginnings... Prayer

Next Step…

Well we are finally at a place where we can hit the road again. This past year has seen some good times and some bad times, thankfully we have made it through.  First stop Williamsburg, Virginia! We have decided to take a week off…

June 23, 2018
Blog Travels Virginia

Life Goes On

Life Goes On Whew! Its been quite awhile since we have posted anything. Reminds me of the old saying, “Time flies when your having fun,” but for us its just “time flies”. A lot has happened in the last year, some good, some so-so,…

May 19, 2018
Glamping Remodel

Revamping and Glamping Part 1

    I am positive that when we started looking to purchase a travel trailer, my husband, Richard, never imagined we would be in for a remodel. I love the old vintage trailers and have, for the past year, before we even had decided…

September 22, 2016