Rufus Rants

Changes, Changes, and More Changes…

August 18, 2016

Rufus backyard1My human parents sure have been busy!! My life has changed dramatically in the last month or so… and I am still trying to figure out what the heck is going on! It seems like my living arrangements have taken a turn to the smaller size, which, in the long run is not too bad. Still, so many changes in  such a little time has left me a bit confused. Where once I had my own huge backyard to mark and chase wildlife in, I now seem to have to share this new space with other dogs and humans! This new condition makes me a bit nervous, thankfully my human mom and dad have been more than patient with me.

I know that they don’t like when I bark a lot so I have been trying my best not to speak out against those things that seem to be taking over my territory, but it is hard not to let them know that I am here!!! I miss being able to chase my ball and toys through our old house, sure was plenty of room to wear myself out, but again the parents have found a couple of ways to help with this, one is that they discovered they can throw my ball at the bathroom door and I have learned to catch it in mid air, well most of the time. Funny thing is, this seems to really amuse my mom!! Go figure, I Rufus riding1guess its the little things that count.

They have also started taking me on longer walks in the morning and evening. I must admit it is very nice to spend more time with my humans! I have also been allowed to do something else that I love… riding in the truck, they even have set it up so that my bed can come with me so I can chill out as we ride around. Overall, I think once I get used to all these changes, life will be good, I just hope that they won’t mind if every once in awhile I can tell those new things around me that I AM HERE!!

More to come…


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1 Comment

  • Reply Tasha August 30, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    Love this!!

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