Spending time with my bud.
Okay, I realize it has been some time since I barked at you all, but as the title says, I hate to say the words… again. Changes, changes, and more changes, but that is the best way to describe what my life has been like in the last month. You see, just as I was getting used to the new digs and location, things changed again. Now it was not a bad thing in the long run. But during the process I have to say I was a bit more than confused. Not long after we settled, my big sis, Lindsay and her buddy Neil came by and picked me up.

Hanging with the Sib.
This was a cool thing, I love spending time with them and thought perhaps we were going on one of our adventures for the day. But a day turned into days, and I have to admit I started to miss Mom and Dad. Now don’t get me wrong, I love them, the siblings that is, but I love my mom and dad too and miss them when they are gone. I actually started to get a bit upset, enough so to show it by, oh it’s embarrassing to think of it now, but let’s just say I left some presents for my siblings in their spare bedroom. Although I know this is wrong, I had to do something to grab someone’s attention. I’m not proud of it, but it seemed to work, got everyone wondering what was going on with me, and within days who shows up at the house but my mom and dad.
So, what is the lesson learned here? When the going gets tough, leave presents!!
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