Blog Williamsburg

One Month Down… Many to Go

March 13, 2017

Wow I can hardly believe that we have been back in Williamsburg, VA for almost a month. Time flies when your trying to readjust to life as you knew it. But our lives will never be the same as they were before the fateful day that we purchased our “Betsy” and moved into the full-time RV life. Even though we are back in known territory our lives are different. We live differently of course, as we are still in our RV, but we also have a different mindset and a different long-term goal for our lives.

All I know for sure is that we are here for a while, but we are still living our dream the way we want, even if it might be a bit longer to realize the full dream then we thought. That is okay though because technically, we are still living the life. Residing in an RV full-time, even if in familiar territory, is quite different than living in a house or an apartment. You might find yourself in a campground where there are some who live there full-time, but for the most part you have new neighbors at least once a week. This can be interesting, at least for us, since we love to meet new friends to be.

Even though we have lived in “Betsy” since June 2016, over seven months, we are still learning how to live in such a small space. It’s funny though, we are starting to help others who are just starting out, giving advice, for all that it is worth, and still learning ourselves. Currently we are staying at Anvil Campground in Williamsburg, VA. and probably will be for at least the next month. When season comes in Williamsburg, roughly around the beginning of May, we will need to relocate to another campground in the area since the one here starts to go to a higher weekly rate and do not offer monthly rates anymore until September. It has been nice to be in town, close to work and the stores. Rufus and I have also developed a routine in the morning of walking over to the Waller Mill paved bike/hike trail just down the road.

Our almost daily walks have become something I look forward to, it gives me time to think and also to give our four-legged friend a chance to get out some energy since we do not have a dog park here at this campground. He has, however, figured out how to let me know when he is finished his walk, even if I am not finished with mine. I probably, have contributed to this behavior because at first I thought it was cute, well it is still cute. However, it does hinder my progress for my goal of walking 2 miles every morning. So when he, Rufus, is ready to head back the way we came, he picks up a stick. Once he has it, he looks at me, turns around and starts to walk back the way we came. Funny thing is, he will carry this stick all the way to where we come out of the paved bike/hike trail, when I say wait to cross the street he drops it. Now if I can only get him to carry it all the way back to the campsite we might have enough fire wood to have a fire within two weeks.

More to come and travel on!

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