
Writing is Like a Fine Wine; Sometimes You Have to Let it Breath!

September 7, 2016

Writing is like a fine wine, sometimes you just have to let it breath. This sentence has been rolling around in my head since early this morning. Perhaps it is because, as of late, I am finding it hard to stay on task, writing and/or getting the website up to speed. You would think, having an abundant amount of time, compared to my previous existence, where time was limited, I would be cranking out one post after another, ain’t happening! I sit here, by myself, contemplating the universe, nah just joking, but sitting here, a thousand and one ideas running around in that thing I call a brain and not having the gumption to take the time to sit down and write or do just one.

I am an extrovert by nature, an introvert only when forced to be. This time between getting to Texas and being here in Williamsburg sitting in the camper, walking around the campground with not much interaction with people has quite frankly driven me to inaction. I caught myself today having a full-fledged conversation with Rufus, (my four-legged child) not that he seemed to mind in the least, however, if by chance someone was to happen upon our little nook in the world, they probably would think I was that crazy old lady who lived in a trailer.

Now I am not putting down the quiet, uneventful life that seems to be happening right now, but if anyone who knows me will tell you, I draw energy from other people. When I am unable to do this, I get exhausted. Just like an introvert who needs to recharge their batteries by finding time alone, I need to recharge by having interaction. So I give you this challenge readers, if there are any, let’s converse, tell me what is going on in your life. I have it, since my husband and I are starting out on a journey that will allow us to follow our dream and path, what do you dream about? What, if you could, would you do if you had the chance to do it? What would it take for you to accomplish your dream(s)? Go ahead, let it breath!!!!

More to come and travel on!

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